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My Story

My name is Claire. I'm a passionate French woman living in sunny Singapore

and I am on a mission to bring warmth, empowerment and support 

to your journey into parenthood!

 As your dedicated birth and postpartum doula, my heart beats with a

deep passion for guiding expectant and new parents through one of

life's most magical chapters.Think of me as your caring compagnon,

guiding you through the exciting and sometimes challenging moments of

pregnancy and parenthood.


Now, how did I become a doula?


Seven years ago, I brought a new life into this world. I became a mother, my partner

became a dad.. This is the day our lives changed foreverAfter the birth of my daughter

and a transformative matrescence (the transition to becoming a mother), I became passionate about everything

related to pregnancy, babies and parenthood. My postpartum was difficult, I was unprepared, exhausted, and I felt extremely lonely in this new adventure. Fast forward two years later, as I anticipated the arrival of my second child, I recognized the need for a doula by my side. Armed with a fervor for education and the desire to own my birth experience, I looked for information and a supportive doula. Although things didn't go exactly as I envisioned (as it often happens!), I was extremely grateful for the preparation and support I had.. I trusted my body and went with the flow, turning it into my unique birth story.

This felt like a true calling - to become a doula.

I truly believe that having a positive birth experience and smooth postpartum gives the confidence that every parent needs when entering this new chapter in life.

Because when a baby is born, a parent is born too.


I am a doula because I believe every parent should be supported, respected and listened to, without judgment and regardless of their birth or parenting choices. The arrival of a baby is a beautiful and life-changing adventure, and every life-story that I witness moves and fascinates me.


I am here as a trained birth and postpartum doula, to accompany you through your pregnancy, birth and beyond. I will be there by your side, every step of the way.   

Your doula,


I am registered as Birth Doula in the following hospitals:

- Thompson medical Centre

- Mount Elisabeth Orchard

- Mount Elisabeth Novena

- Gleneagles Hospital

- Raffles Hospital

- KK Women's and Children's Hospital ( KKH)

- National University Hospital (NUH)

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