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Hand on Bump

Prenatal Support

Explore your birth options, ask all your questions and feel confident about your ability to give birth and this memorable journey ahead.

I will unsure you feel safe, supported, educated and prepared. 

I am creating a safe space for you to share your hopes, desires, fears or concerns.  


   During a prenatal visit, I can:


  • Hear any previous pregnancy, birth or loss experience that you would like to share 

  • Talk about the physical and emotional changes during pregnancy 

  • Help you identify your birth desires

  • Share natural pain coping techniques for labor (breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, positions, massages, etc.)

  • Discuss the physiology of birth, the different stages of labor and how you might feel at each point, the medical and non-medical pain-relief options...

  • Create together or review your birth plan

  • Share evidence-based informations about labor, birth, hospital routines, interventions, newborn care

  • Help you be prepared if things don't go according to plan - caesarian, interventions, induction...

  • Help you to anticipate and prepare your Postpartum plan

  • Talk on how to prepare your child / children to adjust to a new sibling

  • Discuss about the changes in your couple's life after baby

Holding Hands

 Birth Support

I am a trained birth companion, who comes to offer unconditional support, reassurance and comfort during labor and birth.

I will guide you and be continuously present, with kindness, compassion and without judgment. This journey is about you, not me.


   During your labor and childbirth, I can:


  • Help you cope with sensations through positions, massages, breathing, relaxation techniques. I will come when you need me, with a bag full of comforting tools

  • Support you physically and emotionally regardless your choices and the birth you desire, whether you are hoping for a unmedicated birth, want an epidural, are planning a water birth...

  • Make sure your intimacy - your "safe bubble"- is protected and preserved

  • Give you information so you can make your own decisions and be your own advocate

  • Be present for you and your partner. Birth partners need to rest, eat and be supported too. Often, partners participate more fully to the labor and birth process with a doula present

  • Stay by your side until baby is born and you are ready for me to go

Sleepy Baby

Postpartum Support

The Postpartum period, also called the "fourth trimester" is a period of time unlike any others. After giving birth, all the attention is about your little baby !

My role in centred around taking care of you. I focus on your well-being so you can heal, rest and attend to your newborn's need.


   During a postpartum visit, I can:


  • Debrief and help you process your birth story, talk about your feelings and recovery

  • Listen actively as your go though emotional and physical changes after baby

  • Provide guidance and help you build your confidence in looking after your baby

  • Support the partner in their new role and their transition into parenthood

  • Care for your baby so you can take a break, have a shower or rest

  • Support you with breastfeeding and formula-feeding

  • Do light house chores (dishes, cleaning, etc.)

  • Help other sibling adjusting to the new family member

"It takes a village to raise a child"
Nowadays, most of us don't have the village we need as a supportive network to transition into parenthood.
Let me be part of your village and help to make your family's transition a smooth one.

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